The ducks are quite hard to get close to unless their doing their morning ablutions by the water as a group and even then you can't get too close! I love their extraordinary colours and they have an amazing deep green colour under their wings. At this time of year, coming into winter, the contrast between the ducks and all the beautiful russet, brown, gold and green of the grasses is amazing. They love to hang together talking loudly to each other and I often see a male and female wandering around the grasses eating together. The Pacific Black Ducks are particually beautiful, they have an extraordinary long bills and like to swim around looking for food in the ponds where there are lots of waterlillies. I think they also look amazing when they're flying. They always fly in a particular formation very sensibly interchanging the lead bird when they get tired! The Woodducks are around with their babies at the moment and they are so cute. I saw the whole family, mum & dad & about 15 little ducklings doing swim school early in the morning and they parents were so protective of them & herded them around making sure they were safe!