
Pigeons and Doves

The pigeons and doves are very shy and take fright easily. They love food and the barshouldered and turtledoves will graze all day. The Whiteheaded Pigeons are magnificent, they are quite big and have amazing colours, they back of the wings have a flourescent sheen, red around the eyes and a flourescent pink and yellow on the beak. The juveniles have a narrower head with a slight line through the eye and are not pure white on the breast. They usually come a few times a day and up to six birds. They do disappear for periods of time but they always come back. They also make a very soothing deep cooing noise. The Wonga Pigeon, and we've only had one, stayed for about a month and then disappeared, much to my disappointment. It was so big and fat and waddled around the backyard shooing the other doves away from the seed tray. The Wonga Pigeon has just returned to the backyard a year later, given a week or so, how amazing is that, it remembers my backyard as a great place to come and hang out and have a bit of a rest. I've also had a Brown Cuckoo-dove a few times in tree and once there were two of them. Their tail is very beautiful, very long and each feather has a lighter edge to it, when they fan it out it's spectacular.


White-headed Pigeon

* 1. White-headed Pigeon

White-headed Pigeon

* 2. White-headed Pigeon

Rose-crowned Fruit Dove (juv)

* 3. Rose-crowned Fruit Dove (juv)

White-headed Pigeon (female)

* 4. White-headed Pigeon

Brown Cuckoo-doves

* 5. Brown Cuckoo-Doves

Rose-crowned Fruit-dove

* 6. Superb Fruit-dove

Crested Pigeon

* 7. Crested Pigeon

Wonga Pigeon

* 8. Wonga Pigeon


* 9. Turtle-dove

Bar-shouldered Doves

* 10. Bar-shouldered Dove

White-headed Pigeon

* 11. White-headed Pigeon

White-headed Pigeon

* 12. White-headed Pigeon

White-headed Pigeon

* 13. White-headed Pigeon

Wonga Pigeon

* 14. Wonga Pigeon

Brown Cuckoo-dove

* 15. Brown Cuckoo-dove

Wonga Pigeon

* 16. Wonga Pigeon

White-headed Pigeon

* 17. White-headed (juv)

Brown Cuckoo-dove

* 18. Brown Cuckoo-dove

White-headed Pigeon

* 19. White-headed Pigeon

White-headed Pigeon

* 20. White-headed (juv)

White-headed Pigeon

* 21. White-headed Pigeon

Wonga Pigeon

* 22. Wonga Pigeon

Emerald Dove

23. Emerald Dove

rock dove

24. Rock Dove

White-headed Pigeons

* 25. White-headed (male & juv)

White-headed Pigeons

* 26. White-headed Pigeon

White-headed Pigeon

* 27. White-headed Pigeon

Wonga Pigeon

* 28. Wonga Pigeon

Bar-shouldered Dove

29. Bar-shouldered Dove

White-headed Pigeons

* 30. White-headed Pigeons