

Redbrowed Finches

The finches are very sociable and inquistive. They dart around all day talking away to each other and let me get closer each day. When I have breakfast on the verandah the whole family comes and hangs out in the seed tray a couple of feet away. The seem to be happy to hang out as a family and the baby finches come with the adult ones. They love their food and will always come and check things out if you make a few 'bird' noises. They make a constant high pitched 'ssit' noise as they flit around. I've had a few Chesnutbreasted Mannekins in the backyard and they also have the very sociable finch nature but are very beautiful with the chesnut chest banded with black and the grey, speckled helmet and a very chunky grey beak!


Redbrowed Finch

1. Red-browed

Red-browed finches

* 2. Red-browed

Red-browed finches

* 3. Red-browed

Red-browed Finches

* 4. Red-browed (juv.)

Red-browed Finch

* 5. Red-browed

Red-browed Finch (juv)

* 6. Red-browed (juv.)

Tree Sparrow

* 7. Tree Sparrow

Red-browed Finch (juvenile)

8. Red-browed (juv.)

Red-browed Finch

* 9. Red-browed

Red-browed Finches (juv)

* 10. Red-browed (babies)

Chestnutbreasted Mannekin

* 11. Chestnut-breasted Mannekin

Chestnutbreasted Mannekin

* 12. Chestnut-breasted Mannekin

Chestnutbreasted Mannekin

13. Chestnut-breasted Mannekin

Double-barred Finch

* 14. Double-barred Finch

Gouldian Finch

* 15. Gouldian

Red-browed finches

* 16. Red-browed

Red-browed Finch (juv)

* 17. Red-browed (juv.)

Red-browed Finches (juv)

18. Red-browed (juv.)

Double-barred Finch

* 19. Double-barred Finch

Red-browed Finches

* 20. Red-browed